My Classes
Yoga is more fun in community!
In Iyengar classes we focus on a different pose group each week of the month. We start off the month with standing poses, then cycle through the forward bends, backbends, twists and finally finish the month with restorative/pranayama. Students learn to create space and freedom with careful alignment of the limbs and spine to prevent injury. My training as a physical therapist also allows me to pay close attention to each person’s needs and provide individualized instruction even in a group setting, so that everyone works learns to adjust the pose to their own body.
Curious? Join me for Iyengar yoga in English at:
Iyengar Yoga Vienna (17:45-19:15 Tuesday, 17:30-19:00 Thurs)
Bayerngasse 3, 1030 Wien (U4 Stadtpark)